A Wyoming County Predicts ‘Total Economic Devastation’ From Biden Leasing Ban
National Public Radio reporter Kirk Siegler came to Pinedale, Wyoming on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 to see first-hand the effects of President Biden's oil and gas leasing moratorium. Listen here…
BLM Offers O&G Leases in Ungulate Migration Corridors and Crucial Winter Range
The Wyoming Bureau of Land Management plans to offer oil and gas lease parcels in the Red Desert to Hoback migration corridor, mule deer & pronghorn crucial winter range, and…
Wyoming Offers O&G Leases in Sublette Mule Deer Migration Corridor
The Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments plans to offer oil and gas lease parcels in the Sublette mule deer migration corridor, as well as in other crucial wildlife…
Sublette Pronghorn Migration
Court to Consider Petition to Protect Pronghorn Migration Route
Air Quality News
High Ozone Levels Confirmed In Upper Green By Cooper McKim. June 19, 2019 Wyoming Public Media “An air quality monitor in western Wyoming repeatedly found ozone levels were exceeding federal…
By the Rasping in My Lungs Something Evil This Way Comes
by R. Perry Walker
Dorrance Publishing Co., 2019
Available at: www.dorrancebookstore.com
The Wall Street Journal
“The Leaks That Threaten the Clean Image of Natural Gas – U.S. energy companies are scrambling to reduce methane emissions-both unintended and deliberate-that equate to exhaust from 69 million cars…
New York Times
“Animals Are Losing Their Vagility, or Ability to Roam Freely” By Jim Robbins, Feb. 19, 2018 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/19/science/migration-animals-west.html “Following an ancient rhythm, [pronghorn] migrate more than 200 miles. After thousands of…
National Geographic Magazine
“A sense of larger purpose” By David Quammen, Photographs by Joel Sartore, Nov. 2010 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2010/11/great-migrations/ “Animal migration is a phenomenon far grander and more patterned than animal movement. It represents…