Upper Green River Alliance Director

Linda F. Baker has lived in the Upper Green for 44 years. She is a former librarian, teacher, US Forest Service trails inventory specialist, firefighter, and trail crew boss. She surveyed (alone) over 400 miles of trails in the Wyoming Range for the USFS Big Piney Ranger District.

Linda served three years as the conservation representative on the Wyoming Game & Fish Department’s State-wide Sage-Grouse Working Group, developing the Wyoming Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan, available here: http://gf.state.wy.us/wildlife/wildlife_management/sagegrouse.asp.

She served two years on the Bureau of Land Management’s Trapper’s Point Working Group, focused on wildlife migration corridor preservation in the Trapper’s Point migration corridor bottleneck near Cora, Wyoming.

She served eight years on the BLM’s Pinedale Anticline Working Group, two terms as Chair, working with representatives from ranching, oil and gas, sporting groups, recreation, federal & state agencies, and conservation organizations.

Linda’s greatest conservation successes include saving the Trapper’s Point migration corridor bottleneck from oil and gas leasing and development in 2002, and preserving 453,700 acres from oil and gas leasing across important wildlife habitats of the Upper Green River Basin.

Upper Green River Alliance Board of Directors

Bev Sharp, is a local landowner & retired physical education teacher. Bev is a tireless advocate for our amazing recreational opportunities and healthy lifestyle, and enjoys crosscountry skiing and hiking.

Karen (Tina) Rock, local fishing guide, studied astronomy while in college. Tina moved to Pinedale, WY in 1982. She was manager and outdoor expert at a backpacking/fly fishing/ski specialty shop for 18 years in Pinedale. Tina retired in 2003.

Dennis Schroeder manages his Pinedale ranch with an emphasis on fish and wildlife habitat improvements. He has a B.S. in Animal Science from Colorado State Univ. He is a former cattle buyer for Wilson Packing Co. of Omaha, Nebraska, and for Monfort of Greeley, CO. Dennis was a partner in Western Cattle Co, Dighton, Kansas, and was the owner of Schroeder Cattle Co., Inc. He was President of and partner in Frontier Cattle Co of Dighton and Pinedale and partner in Key Cattle Co. and J.S. Corp. cattle feeding operations. He was partner in Lane County Feeders and Sunbelt Feeders, feedlots with a combined capacity of 72,000 head. He is the past President of the Upper Green River Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Dennis enjoys a variety of hobbies and interests, including obtaining a private pilot’s license, fishing, travel, hunting and golf.